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FREE Search Engine Analysis

How would you like to have your Web Site analyzed to determine where you are placing on the major Search Engine Spider list. Lighting Graphics will for free provide this service to you. You will receive a full report explaining where you are ranking, what other pages are doing that are above you, tips to improve your hits, and these are just a few. The Free service will only cover Three major search engines... Hot Bot, AltaVista, and Infoseek. This will show you what and how to rank you site higher and bring those hits.


Your current standings with the search engine.

If your site has been declined for word spamming.

Meta Tag suggestions

Tips on how to raise your site ranking

Advertising advice and information for your Site.

Again this is a totally FREE service all we ask in return is that you place a Link to us on your website. Once you have seen what this can do for your standings, contact us, and setup to have a full analysis done.

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